gallery oscar

artist | laurie mckern

vogue 1 woman in suit
Vogue 1 Woman in Suit

Laurie Lou McKern specializes in encaustic painting, creating modern vintage, figurative artworks.

“I like the surprise element when creating encaustic works. I enjoy the process itself. The smell of melting beeswax and constructing different textures. These are the things that keep me excited as an artist.”

Her love of portraying the elegance and strength of women from the past and capturing a small glimpse of their lives is her endless fascination.

Laurie’s restless nature impels her to experiment with different mediums. She is a passionate painter, printmaker, pyrographer, small sculpture artist and a singer-songwriter.

Laurie originally trained and worked as an illustration  artist before moving to Australia in 1990. A fine artist since 2004, Laurie’s works are in private and corporate collections in Australia and overseas.

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vogue 10
vogue 10
vogue 4 woman in trench coat
vogue 4 woman in trench coat
vogue 3 woman in pink dress
vogue 3 woman in pink dress
vogue 1 woman in suit
vogue 1 woman in suit
vogue 9
SOLD  enlarge
vogue 9